Hi all,I have...

Hi all,I have created an serial control item....while creating that item at serial contro i mentioned as "at receipt" and i have created Purchase order for that Item and approved successfully...

But when i log in to Mobile applications and give the PO# and mention the line # it is working fine and all the details are cuming correctly but when cuming to serial number and then it is redirecting to the other screen showing"Accept defaults"when i click on that "Accept Defaults" it is hrowing an "Unexpected Error"...And asking me to check the log....So please can any one help me how to solve this problem...It is really helpful if any one helps me to get out of this problem...

(No subject)

Check the settings of your

Check the settings of your mobile application. The default value is ‘Control  - G’.
Move to serial number field and then Press Control & G together, it should create the number.

Thank You for the

Thank You for the reply... But when i use ctrl +G it is throwing error like "Cannot construct serial numbers from null starting serial number .press any key to continue"

What is the starting serial

What is the starting serial number you have entered ??

Check the serial number tab in organization parameter or

the serial number field in the item master, inventory tab

Starting serial number i have

Starting serial number i have entered as SN100011 and ending serial number it given as SN100015 as i given quantity is 4.But as soon as i press enter after entering this serial number it is redirecting to other page and when i click on accept defaults it is generating the same error"Unexpected error occured please check the log file"...

when i press ctrl+G on the serial number field also generating the null error...

Serial Control in organization parameters

Uniqueness:Within inventory model and items
Generation:User Defined

Item Level:

Generation:At Receipt
Starting Prefix:SN
Starting number:10001

So, please help me how to solve this issue...

Thank you...

Generation: User Defined

Generation: User Defined means you have to generate the serial numbers before using. You have
two options

1. Change the generation method to at organization level / item level (if item level then u need to set up the details in item master inventory tab)
2. Create the serial numbers for the item by running the program Serial number generation(Inventory , On hand availability). Select these generated numbers in the mobile application

